
Myfreshtipz.com Now Moved To Flymyblog.com! Note Please!

Myfreshtipz moved to Flymyblog.com

Hello everyone, I am Gurmeet Singh. I have been publishing posts on myfreshtipz.com from the last 4 months. Now it's time for me to move on and grow higher. Before it let me tell you a brief history of Myfreshtipz. I purchased a domain myfreshtipz.com from Bigrock.in in March 2015 and use it as a custom domain name for my Blogger blog that you are currently reading. This was my frist blog, that I took serious, not so much :). Using Blogging platform is good for beginners, but now I learned a lot more from blogging and want to do much more with it.
It was a good experience of blogging for 4 months at myfreshtipz.com. I successfully achieved my targets of getting good traffic. My posts published on Myfreshtipz are getting sufficient traffic from search engine Google as well.
So, finally I decided to move on to professional blogging. I moved to WordPress. I purchased another domain flymyblog.com from Godaddy and also hosting from Godaddy as well. I started a self-hosted WordPress Blog. You can visit it here: http://www.flymyblog.com/
Read more at my new Blog.......
Thanks for your Support. Let's support me for my new project.
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16 November 2015 at 00:40 ×

Hi I nominated you for Liebster Award...please check here http://athinkingthinker.blogspot.in/2015/11/an-award-that-inspires-us.html?m=1

Congrats bro Manisha Sharma you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...