
Choose a Good Domain Name for your Blog - Blogging Guide

Hello, this is the fifth post of our blogging guide series. In this post we will learn about how you can choose a perfect domain name for your blog or website. Blog domain matters a lot because everyone is going to know about your website through domain name.
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A good domain name increase your blog's traffic as well as is good for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). There are many factors which a good domain name depends. We have noticed some of the main facts about a good domain name and has listed below. These things should be kept in mind while you are thinking to choose a new domain name for your blog.
  • Domain Name Should be as short as possible. A good domain has character length of about 5 to 15 characters. Don't choose a long domain name as nobody is going to remember a long domain name and oftenly mistakes occur while typing a long domain name. There length of domain name matters as it affects blog rankings.
  • Use of Characters and Symbols. Only use symbols if required otherwise just keep domain name limited to alphabets. Even use numbers if and only if you required. Alphabet can easily be remembered and the domain looks clean.
  • Domain should be easily remembrable. If you told anyone about your domain or anyone come to know about it, the domain should be easily remembrable otherwise no one could reach your blog only due to the reason of forgiveness. Along with easy to remember it also should be easy to pronounce. Everyone remembers words or names due to pronunciation. So, if your domain name will be easy to pronounce it will be benificial.
  • Try Something Different. Thousands of websites today are on the web. So try different words in order to get maximum from your domain name. Use keywords according to your need.
  • Use good Domains. Use domains like .com, .org, .in, .net etc. Because when somebody types a URL in the browser, he generally types professional domains like '.com' rather than sub domains. So, be sure about this. Good Domains shows the professionality of the website or blog.

These were the important tips, you must remember while choosing a good domain name for your blog or website.
Thanks for reading this post.
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