Hello, this is the fourth post of our blogging guide series. In this post, we will get to know all about domain names.
What is a Domain Name?
A Domain name is a unique Web address. By typing a particular domain name in the web browser anybody can reach the particular website. Therefore, domain name just points out your website on the Web. For Example:
www.myfreshtipz.com, www.lovelyindia.com, mybestfriend.in, myfreshtipz.blogspot.com, myindia123.weebly.com, punjab.org
These all are domain names pointing a particular website.
Take 'myfreshtipz.com' as example, It has two parts one is 'myfreshtipz' and the other is '.com'. Both of these are seprated by a dot. There are lot of domains available. Some of the popular domains are of following kinds.
.com, .org, .net, .info, .in etc.
You have to chose one of the name along with these dot words. The combination of both these words make a single domain.
For example: mybestfriend.in
In this domain name, 'mybestfriend' is just the name while '.in' is the domain. The combination of both name and domain consists a domain name. I think its enough to understand about what a domain name is.
As I previously mention that there are lot of domains available. Some of the domains are common and can be used for any website while some domains are generally used for some specific countries. Like '.in' or '.india' is used to indicate Indian websites. There are many services available online where you can buy domain names. For example: Bigrock, GoDaddy etc.
The common domains (.com, .org, .net etc.) are called as professional domains because most of the websites own this type of domains.
These all domain names are seprated by One Dot only. There are some other domain names also; like: myfreshtipz.blogspot.com
These are called Sub-Domains. In the above website, 'myfreshtipz' is name and '.blogspot.com' is the sub domain. Many sub domains like '.blogspot.com' are available for free.
Professional domains costs because they are very common and can easily be remembered.
Suppose anybody knows your website name except domain. When he type web address in the browser he try only the professional domain but not the long sub-domain name. myfreshtipz.com looks great as compared to myfreshtipz.blogspot.com
By the way professional domain names not costs so much, they are very cheap. You may find best domain name according to your need. But if you are a beginner you must choose a free sub domain along with free blogging services. We will learn about these services later in this series.
For the selection of Best domain name for your blog you must read our next post.
For now, thanks for reading the post.
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