
10 Awesome Tips for New Blogs

10 Awesome Tips for New Blogs

Hello everyone, In this post I'm going to list 10 Awesome Tips that every new blogger should follow to make his or her blog the best blog.
Do you have just created a blog? And Want to know:-

  • How to grow your blog?
  • How to get the people to read your blog?
  • How to get your blog Indexed in the search engine?
  • How to get traffic to your blog?
  • How to improve your blog's rank?
  • How to write best posts for your blog?

If so, then continue reading this post. The tips in this post may help you a lot.

10 Awesome Tips for New blogs or Bloggers

  1. Choose a Good Design or Template for your Blog. The first thing you need is a good template for your blog. No body visits a blog having poor design or template. A blog having good template attracts every eye. Also, A beautifully designed blog is the sign of professionality. So, keep a blog neat and clean. The navigation of blog should be clear and easy. The more easier your visitor's can surf through your blog and browse it, the more they will like it. List all the important links in the front. Your Blog's hompage should have links to all the blog's pages and major content.
  2. Have all the Important Pages. Your Blog must have all the important pages like, About Page, Contact Page, Privacy and Terms, Disclaimer, Sitemap etc. These pages ensure your visitors about you and your blog. Many visitors, before reading your blog's post, generally read these pages. So, make sure you have these pages for your blog too. Suggested Reading: Which pages a blog must have?
  3. Important Widgets and Tools. Your blog should have all the important widgets like search bar, author profile, recent posts or popular posts, social widgets, index. These widgets make your blog more pretty and user friendly. Your visitors can get all the things at one place. Search bar will help to search all the contents, popular or recent posts widget will help to catch the trending content, author profile will tell your visitors about you in brief, social widgets will help to improve your social status.
  4. Content or Posts. Why anybody visits your blog? They just visit your blog for content. Therefore, Good Content is the key to success of your blog. Publish high quality content for your blog. Well written posts ranks higher in the search engine and increase your blog's traffic. If you are a new blogger and wants your blog to grow more than you must work hard. Post very frequently. Post atleast once a day. The more number of posts you have, the more your blog will be noticed by the search engine and helps for SEO also. The next thing that every blogger should kept in their mind is write atleast 500 words in each post. It is seen that, the post that are written in more detail ranks higher in the search engine and also get higher response. Use keywords in the blog posts to get more traffic.
  5. Begin with Social Traffic. In the beginning use social networking sites to bring traffic to your blog. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. can bring hundereds of visitors to your blog. Share each and every post of your blog on social networking sites. Invite all of your friends to share your content too. There are many bloggers that get a huge amount of traffic from social networking sites.
  6. Index your Website in Search Engine. To get best results, index your website in search engine. Use webmaster tools provided by the search engine to get your website listed in the search engine. Popular Search Engine like Google provides Webmaster Tools. This will index your blog in the search results as well as help to increase your blog's traffic. Submit your sitemap. These tools also provides other features like, search analytics, detect errors on your blog etc.
  7. SEO (Search Engine Optimize). A new blog for organic traffic just depend on search engine. Whenever anybody wants to search something on internet they use search engine. If your blog post can get good place in the search engine then you can get awesome traffic. SEO can help you for this purpose. For new bloggers, SEO may be some kind of unfriendly thing, but it is the best way to get organic traffic to your blog. Suggested Reading: What is SEO? How SEO can help you to rank your blog higher?
  8. Getting Traffic from Other Sources. There are hundereds of more ways to get easy traffic to your blog. Some of the most popular ways are Guest Blogging, Commenting on Other Blogs, Blogging Communities etc. As a new blogger submit your blog to blogging communities, request Guest Posts and comment on other blogs to get traffic to your blog. These ways are beneficial to get good traffic for new blogs. Suggested Reading: How to start getting traffic to your blog?
  9. Understand Your Blog More. After doing so much things for your blogs, its time to get the results. You must understand some basic things about your blog before proceeding forward. After trying a lot of things with your blog, you may yourself notice what is beneficial for your blog?, how you can make your blog more good?. You may get answers to some questions yourself, you want to know before in the beginning. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics to get details about traffic to your blog. These details may help you to get more traffic and also to improve your blog. That's why I said Understand your blog yourself, and make it the best uniquely.
  10. Your Blog, Your Hard Work. Your blog's growth is over to you. You can make your blog the best. Try new things. Experiment various ways to improve your blog. Every Blogger has its unique identity. Make such a unique identity of yourself. You may not see quick response. It took some time. Never give up. You may slowly get traffic and rankings. Blogging is a little bit hard job as well as at the same time us easy too. That depends on you, how you take it.
So, these are the 10 awesome tips for new blogs and bloggers.
Images by Pixabay
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