
Which pages a blog must have?

"Which pages a blog must have?" Do you want to know the answer of this question? If yes, Keep reading, you are at the right place.
Almost every new blogger wants to know which pages should be included in his or her blog. In this post I'll tell you some of the main pages that every blog should have and why?, with brief detail about each page.
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About Page
About page is the first requirement of each and every blog. This page will let your visitors to know about you and your blog. About page leaves deep impression. Whenever a smart visitor visits a new blog, he/she first looks at your about page, if it impresses him or her then they will surely visit again. This will convert a unknown visitor to become your regular visitor. Thus your blog's reputation as well as traffic, both are affected. That's why About page is the must have requirement for any blog.
The next thing, if you want to know how to write a best about page for your blog you must read our next post.
Contact Page
Contact page is the second page after about page which must be included in every blog. Contact page will tell your audience that you are doing a true job and are ready to help them any time they want. You must include a contact page in which you must add some ways in which your visitors may contact you. For example: You Email or Social Network Profiles. Most of the professional blogs, uses a contact form in their contact page which consists of some fields like name, email or message. In these fields visitors may type their details and message and can directly contact you. This helps your  visitors in contacting you easily. As like about page, a good audience and author contact system including in contact page will help in rising your blog to new heights.
FAQ Page
FAQ page or Frequently Asked Questions page will let your visitors to know about some basic or technical things your blog. FAQ page contain some oftenly asked questions along with their brief answers. FAQ page helps your visitors to know expertly about your blog. You may check some of the FAQ pages of other blogs to know better. Check our FAQ page here. A good FAQ page also impresses everyone.
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Privacy Policy
Privacy policy page will tell your visitors, what type of data you collect, whenever they visit your blog and for what purpose you use that data. Privacy policy page must contain all the deatails about each and everything from information about visitor's privacy to cookies. 
Terms Page
'Terms and Conditions', this page contains those terms that everyone visiting the blog must obey like copyright policy or other rules. 
Sitemap Page
This page is the complete map for your blog and its posts. A good sitemap will help your visitors to navigate through your blog easily. Like index of books, this page is the index for your blog.
The pages I have mentioned above are those which almost every blog have. There are some other additional pages which you can include in your blog like disclaimer page, particular pages about your blog's content etc. 
For example you may check our pages. The links for each page of our blog are given below.
Thanks for reading this post.
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